Legal Services

Wills, Powers of Attorney & Estate Planning

We offer fixed fee prices for our wills and powers of attorney

Why do you need a Will?

A will enables you to provide for your loved ones by conveying your wishes when you are no longer able. This is the most important document you will ever have, unfortunately it is often neglected.

Should you die without a will the rules of survivorship will determine how your assets are split up and often the government is charged with the responsibility of effecting this, which can be costly for your estate.

Why do you need a Power of Attorney?

A power of attorney enables your loved ones to administer your affairs for both financial and health matters should you not be able. You nominate your attorney/s and then determine when and how their decisions should be made.

If you are intending on taking an overseas trip, we highly recommend that you have an enduring power of attorney as it will allow your attorney to sign various documents in your absence under certain circumstances.

Grant of Probate and Estate Administration

These days some institutions require a grant of probate, which is obtained from the Supreme Court.

‘Probate’ is an order made by the Supreme Court of Queensland which confirms that:

·         The Will is valid;

·         The executor appointed by the Will has the authority to collect and deal with the assets of the estate.

Obtaining a grant of probate is often stressful when you are grieving the loss of a loved one and time consuming.

Typically, people feel overwhelmed by the process, which is why Andrews Law offers a competitive fixed fee price for probate.

We can also assist with the estate administration process by dealing with for instance, financial institutions, insurers and superannuation entitlements.


(All Prices including GST)

Simple wills

Single $440
Couple $880

Discretionary testamentary trust (starting from) $1,320

Enduring Power of Attorney

Single $165
Couple $220

Grant of Probate & Estate Administration

Please call us to discuss your situation and we will provide you with our costs. We offer meetings at our premises, video conferencing/telephone call from your home or we can come to you.


Building and Construction Law

Andrews Law has a strong background in assisting clients and resolving disputes in the building industry. For contractors we understand that on building sites cash flow is king and have the expertise and experience to ensure that you are paid quickly and know the legal avenues to protect your rights and interests.

Whether you are a contractor, builder or home owner, talk to us about how you can deal with payment, time delay or defect issues.


Business Law

Whether you are commencing a business or have been in business for years, Andrews Law can assist. We have extensive experience in advising business owners on corporate structures, trusts and legal issues arising in day-to-day business operations. Getting the correct advice can ensure that your business productivity is maximised and your tax liability is minimised.

Make an appointment to discuss how we can assist with your business to increase your profits and our fixed fee options.

  • Contracts
  • Company & Trust Structures & Formations
  • Partnership & Joint Ventures

Litigation and Disputes

Disputes and conflict are an unfortunate but inevitable part of life. However, if handled poorly those disputes can explode into expensive and disastrous affairs that affect every aspect of your life. At Andrews Law, we are only interested in resolving disputes favourably and have the expertise to achieve that outcome, both cost effectively and in a timely fashion.
Whether you consider yourself to have been wronged or you are being pursued through legal avenues, talk to us about how we can achieve a favourable result for you.

Property Law

Please contact us to discuss with one of our friendly staff